Your Test Will Be Your Testimony

Your Test Will Be Your Testimony

What you’ve been through (trials, challenges, tribulation) you will go through and ultimately grow through to make your Test your Testimony.

Your mess will be your message
Your trial will be your triumph
Turn from victim to victory
You will grow through what you go through

Who is the common denominator in all the above statements? YOU! Who can change the outcomes? YOU! Will YOU be the one to learn the lesson and make it a blessing?

As we become empowered to craft our story/stories in a way that others are able to see themselves, know themselves and understand themselves our tests become our testimonies. The pain, the struggle, the sacrifice becomes the catalyst for our Message, our Victory, our Triumph, our Testimony

Slingshot analogy
In order to reach the target, a slingshot has to be pulled back under pressure. The greater the pressure the further it will travel to its destination. When we relate this to life, the average person has a tendency to quit under pressure thereby falling short of their desired outcome. It's only when we decide that quitting is not an option that we are able to realise our full potential, learn the lesson and turn the Test into a Testimony

As you begin this week step out in faith and know your best is yet to come.

You can share your testimony in many ways, by the words you speak, by the example you set, by the manner in which you live your life.

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