when you enter into a storm, of which there are many. You may ask yourself why
me? Why now? Truth be known, storms come into our lives to take us out of our
comfort zones and lead us into our growth zone. You may be experiencing a storm
right now. Yours could be financial, emotional, physical or health related.
No matter
what you’re going through right now understand this, it’s temporary, and once
the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through or how you
managed to survive. But, survive you did. And one thing is certain, when you
come out the other side, you won’t be the same person who walked in.
The storm comes
so that you may experience life and that you may have it more abundantly.
Having been through the storm, the adventure of life is to
Having been through the storm, the purpose of life is to
Having been through the storm, the nature of life is to
Having been through the storm, the challenge of life is to
Having been through the storm, the essence of life is to
Having been through the storm, the opportunity of life is to
Having been through the storm, the secret of life is to dare.
Having been through the storm, the spice of life is to
Having been through the storm, the beauty of life is to give.
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